Madame de...
Madame de...

The earrings of Madame de

( Madame de... )

Release date 1953 Drama . 100 min

Madame de... must settle her debts, so she sells the earrings that her husband General de... gave her to a jeweller, and then claims she has lost them. When the General learns of her deceit from the jeweller, he buys the earrings back and gives them to a mistress, who immediately sells them. Baron Donati acquires the baubles before falling in love with Madame de... and gives her the very same earrings as a token of his love. The blighted jewels bring only misfortune in their wake.

 A film by  Max OPHULS
With  Charles BOYER, Danielle DARRIEUX, Vittorio DE SICA, Jean DEBUCOURT, Lia DI LÉO, Mireille PERREY, Serge LECOINTE, Guy FAVIERES, Jean GALLAND, Hubert NOËL, Madeleine BARBULÉE, Claire DUHAMEL, Jean DEGRAVE, Paul AZAÏS, ALBERT-MICHEL, Jacques BEAUVAIS, Gérard BUHR, Emile GENEVOIS, Robert MOOR, Georges PAULAIS, Michel SALINA, Léon PAULÉON, Colette RÉGIS, Jean TOULOUT, Germaine STAINVAL, Georges VITRAY, Léon WALTHER Read more
 Dialogist  Marcel ACHARD

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Madame de...
MADAME DE... - Still
MADAME DE... - Still
MADAME DE... - Still
MADAME DE... - Still
MADAME DE... - Still
MADAME DE... - Still