Je vous salue Marie
Je vous salue Marie

Hail Mary

( Je vous salue Marie )

Release date 1985 Drama . 78 min

Marie, the daughter of a garage owner, is with child yet still a virgin. Her genuine sincerity finally overcomes Joseph's jealousy. A few fleeting glimpses of the young woman's bare body are his sole consolation. After venting her rebellious anger against God, Marie agrees to bear the holy infant and gives birth to Jesus, a rather boisterous child. A cinematographic poem of overpowering beauty.

 A film by  Jean-Luc GODARD
With  Myriem ROUSSEL, Thierry LACOSTE, Philippe LACOSTE, Manon ANDERSON, Juliette BINOCHE, Malachi JARA KOHAN, DICK, Johann LEYSEN, Anne GAUTHIER Read more
 scriptwriter  Jean-Luc GODARD, Anne-Marie MIÉVILLE
 Dialogist  Jean-Luc GODARD, Anne-Marie MIÉVILLE

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Je vous salue Marie
Je vous salue Marie
Je vous salue Marie
Juliette Binoche
Je vous salue Marie
Je vous salue Marie
Je vous salue Marie