Les Ă©quilibristes

Walking a Tightrope

( Les équilibristes )

Release date 1992 Drama . 120 min

Paris in the early 60s: Marcel Spadice, a writer fascinated by the circus, lacks inspiration. He falls in love with Franz-Ali Aoussine whom he met through his friend Hélène. He wants to make him the greatest tightrope walker in the world. Disappointed by the young man's lack of achievements, he breaks up with him.

 A film by  Nico PAPATAKIS
With  Michel PICCOLI, Lilah DADI, Polly WALKER, Doris KUNSTMANN, Patrick MILLE, Juliette DEGENNE, Laurent HENNEQUIN, Olivier PAJOT, Emiliano SUAREZ, Michel PALMER, Bernard FARCY, Guy LOURET Read more
 scriptwriter  Nico PAPATAKIS
 Dialogist  Nico PAPATAKIS

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Les Equilibristes
Les Equilibristes